Michael Chavis discovers the impact of motor preferences


Annapolis, Dec 16th 2022

Michael Chavis, free agent MLB player, came a few days ago to Annapolis, made his motor profile and the implementation of motor preferences in his swing.

After two hours of evaluation, I was able to write his motor profile and share it with my partner Matthew Swope.

In about an hour and a half of adapted exercises to bring his swing back in line with what his body likes to do, the first results appeared.

You can see on the infographic, there are some notable differences that are visible.

The timing of the pictures is based on the point of contact of the ball with the bat.

The right hand photos are of his swing before working with motor preferences. The left-hand ones are the ones with the motor preferences.

We can clearly see the difference in timing between the 2 versions with a much more "powerful" position at the contact with the motor preferences.

Michael still has some work to do to fully integrate his natural swing but he could quickly feel the difference. He will continue to train with his coach to respect his preferences.

Thank you Michael for your generosity and your great personality!