The revolutionary scientific approach that can make you
discover, embrace and emphasize your own motor skills to reveal your full potential safely

Discover how your body prefers to perform: From flexion to extension, from backward or forward COG management, from breath-in to breath-out, from pronation to supination... Each body is respecting its coordination to produce optimum movement.
Respecting this fundamentals allow athletes to increase their performance safely!


Individual athlete assessment

Understand how your body wants to perform!
2 x 1 hour (assessment + written report presentation)
On appointment only - 2451 St Joseph Blvd, suite 216, Orleans, ON

 Cad$ 475.00

Team Package (5 days stay)

Optimize your coaching based on indivudal players' preferences!
Up to 30 players (assessment + written report + online report presentation)
One-day coaches training (up to 6 coaches)
Canada Only. Amateur & Professional organizations.

On quote

For any inquiry about Team Package


Learn how to identify athlete's motricity, build performance accordingly & get certified.
Online or clinics available

No matter what is your sport !


The motor preferences allow to individualize the therapeutic and sports management according to the natural movement of each person.  

What is the interest?

The profiling of motor preferences makes it possible to emphasize the physical capacities and natural qualities of an athlete (called motor profile) and to limit training that is far from the athlete's spontaneous qualities (called opposite motor profile or shadow zone) in order to limit the risks of regressing by inhibiting the athlete's natural qualities, which would result in a loss of self-confidence and an increased risk of injury.

Which exercises are recommended for your profile?

All the exercises are feasible for all profiles, but the prevalences are specific to the profiles. It would be counterproductive and even dangerous to ask for repeated vertical plyometrics to a LOWER WALKER profile. It would also be unnatural to try to repeat slow squat exercises in an UPWALKER (aerial). In both cases, the efficiency would be less and it would increase the risk of injuries. For bottom walkers, we will therefore insist on concentric exercises, while for top walkers we will favor plyometric exercises.

How motor preferences work

The human brain is lateralized and has dominant areas that are used extensively to the detriment of other less used areas that are opposite to them. The use of the dominant brain areas will be natural while its opposite will require more effort. For example, for a right-handed person, writing with the right hand will be natural, easy and fluid, whereas writing with the left hand will be much more difficult, anarchic and will require concentration.

Exercise to better understand: you will quickly cross your arms several times. You will notice that it is always the same arm that is positioned in front. Now cross your arms again quickly but this time try to reverse the arm that is in front.

Have you noticed that this change requires effort and is not natural. This is exactly what happens when you use your motor profile with completely natural movements or when you use your opposite profile which generates more difficulty and therefore more energy expenditure.

Thanks to motor preferences, it is possible to optimize physical preparation, limit the risk of injury and, of course, increase performance.


Volodalen Motor Preferences 

Volodalen is a private laboratory in Switzerland. It is today the most advanced company in motor skills. It is lead by Cyrille Gindre, who is publishing scientific studies about motor preferences for many years. 

I am the first Volodalen motor preferences expert in North America. 

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3