Autism, Attention deficit disorder, hyper sensibilitys, learning difficulties, difficulties in coordination or motor skills, unexplained loss of performance... All these challenges could only come from retained primitive reflexes !
From an assessment, I will work monthly with you to inhibit primitive reflexes to improve your well-being or performance.

Price list


One on one sesson - 1 hour
On appointment only - 2451 St Joseph Blvd, suite 216, Orleans, ON

Cad $175.00

Monthly visit

45 mn session
On appointment only - 2451 St Joseph Blvd, suite 216, Orleans, ON

Cad$ 100.00

For any inquiry

Free your nervous system


Primitive Reflexes are the first part of the brain to develop and should only remain active for the first few months of life. In typical development, these reflexes naturally inhibit in sequential order during the first year, and replacement reflexes, called postural reflexes, emerge. Postural reflexes are more mature patterns of response that control balance, coordination and sensory motor development.

Retained primitive reflexes can lead to developmental delays related to disorders like ADHD, sensory processing disorder, autism, and learning disabilities. They can also affect balance, sensory perceptions, fine motor skills, sleep, immunity, energy levels, impulse control, concentration and all levels of social, emotional, and academic learning. 

Causes of Retained Primitive Reflexes

Retention of primitive reflexes can be caused by a variety of factors. The birth process is a key factor in the integration of these reflexes. Therefore a traumatic birth experience or birth by c-section may lead to retained reflexes. Additional causes can include: falls, traumas, lack of tummy time, delayed or skipped creeping or crawling, chronic ear infections, head trauma and vertebral subluxations.

Examples of Primitives reflexes and consequences

Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR):

May impair ability to roll, use hands smoothly together at midline, poor visual regard for object(s) being held, poor balance. May impair creeping or crawling. Baby loses balance and/or falls when rotates his head from midline; very frustrating and causes excessive fatigue.

  • Running- Poor reciprocal arm swing; arm fencing posture may present because running requires extra strength and endurance. Overall speed and accuracy will be reduced. May not keep up with peers during movement games and physical education.

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR):

Interferes with advanced reciprocal creeping. Impairs dissociation between the two lower extremities and transitioning between quadruped to sitting to kneeling to standing and vice versa. If strongly influenced by the STNR a baby will not be able to creep; will bunny hop versus true creeping/crawling on the floor.

  • Ball Handling Skills- Are immature; difficulty with throwing and catching. Strong hands are need for sports such as playing baseball or basketball.

Tonic Labyrinthine-Prone & Supine (TLR):

Will interfere with movement that requires smooth grading of flexor and extensor muscles. In supine child will have compromised ability to raise head up against gravity; this will affect anti-gravity control for movements such as bringing feet and hands together and rolling. In prone (on belly) child will have compromised ability to raise head, extend spine, and bear weight on elbows. This, in turn, will limit time spent on his/her tummy for crawling and developing the movement in their pelvis and shoulders that sets the stage for moving in and out of various body positions (sitting to stand). Without such ability, the baby will be without options for exploring. This will affect social and cognitive gains. 

  • Balance- Difficulty with stairs, curbs, bus steps and managing uneven terrain.


Volodalen Primitive Reflexes

Volodalen is a private laboratory in Switzeland. It is today the most advanced company in motor skills and primitive reflexes. It is lead by Cyrille Gindre, who is publishing scientific studies about motor preferences for many years and collaborate with Paul Landon from IMP on Primitive Reflexes.

I am proud to be the first Volodalen primitive reflexes specialist  in Canada. 

Level 1
Level 2