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From 2005, immigration to Canada, Osteopathy, in Quebec, then Osteopathic Manual Practitionner in Ontario in 2010.

2451 St Joseph Blvd, Suite 216, Orleans, ON

Ostéopathe D.O., 2005: Toulouse, France, ITO (Institut Toulousain d'Osteopathie)
Physiotherapist, 1986: Strasbourg, France (Ecole de Masso- kinésithérapie)
Sports Physiotherapist, 1994: Paris V (INSEP) 

Physiotherapy experience in France from 1986 to 2005, military conscription, rehab centre, hospital, private practice. Professional and high level athletes in various sports, rehab and field. Respiratory, neurology, rheumatology, orthopedy mostly. 

From 2005, immigration to Canada, Osteopathy, in Quebec, then Osteopathic Manual Practitionner in Ontario in 2010.

Global approach, aka classic osteopathy. Test and adjustment using as needed as cranial, visceral and/or structural test and adjustment techniques. With the major goal to fix the "primary" lesion (first dysfunction what started the dis balance, whatever the issue is) and bring the body back in adaptation, as close as possible to homeostasis, meaning the point when all functions in the body are in a perfect balance.

Cranial and visceral techniques are essentially based on mobility and motility (kind of energy, fluidic internal movement). Structural techniques can be as direct (thrusting) as muscle energy related (balancing muscle barriers) or functional - fascia like. 

Mostly known as "gentle", as deep they can be, osteopathic technique are not aggressive on patients, they help to bring the patient back in a "self healing process", what is a natural function of our physiology.
My sessions, based on a postural approach, tests and adjustments following a logical focus on the primary lesion will include advices, possible exercises programs, nutrition and activity guidelines. Eventual referrals are, of course, part of the patients follow up. Feed back between professionals involved seems important to optimize the patients management.